About the KCC

The Kiltearn Community Council is a statutory body comprising local people with a genuine interest in the wellbeing of their community who give their time and interest on a voluntary basis.

Established under the Local Government (Scotland) Acts 1973 and 1994, the KCC is a non-party-political forum representing the local community, able to make known to the local authority and other public bodies the wide-ranging views of local people on matters affecting them.

The Highland Council consults the Community Council on how local services are being delivered in the KCC area as well as providing information on planning applications, licensing applications and other information about the Highland Council’s services and plans.

The Community Councils operate under a Constitution and Standing Orders set down by the Highland Council for all community councils along with a Code of Conduct.

The KCC meets ten times a year, generally on the second Tuesday of the month excepting July and August. Meetings are open to the public and are regularly attended by the ward Councillors. Meetings are normally held in the Diamond Jubilee Hall anteroom or Cornerstone.

The Kiltearn Community Council comprises 8 representatives from the Parish who are elected every 4 years. From within its members it elects a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer annually, at an Annual General Meeting, normally held in May.

The members of the KCC are as follows:

ChairmanJohn McHardy
Vice ChairmanMike Finlayson
SecretaryAnnelie Graham
TreasurerShelagh Dennett
MemberSarah McNair
MemberSusan Crookes
MemberGabrielle Buist
MemberMandy Macleman